So it’s been a while .. like most things I start, life gets in the way and I don’t keep it up. Well now it turns out I have an actual excuse .. the birth of my second child .. my son.
For some reason I thought it might be a good idea to give this blog another go .. or maybe just give it a go as the first time was very short lived. With all this free time I have now, what could go wrong.
So my son, Austin, was born in November 2022 and nobody told me how hard it would be. Don’t get me wrong, newborns are easy, they just sleep, eat and poo. But the biggest problem is that they do it at the most inconvenient times, and the ‘sleep when they sleep’ tip is impossible with a terrible two causing absolute chaos.
Austin did not want to wait to arrive. From first contraction to birth was 3 hours. After an hour in rush hour to the hospital, being met at the entrance by two midwives and a wheel chair, it only took 15 minutes in the birthing suite, he arrived.
So with our new arrival comes even more stories and, hopefully, helpful insight. I’ll be using this blog to share my experiences and the post things of interest to you and me.
Until then, have a lovely Christmas and New Year.