What I am seeing on the news everyday is heartbreaking! I was brought to actual tears when I saw a dad saying goodbye to his daughter to go and fight for his freedom against Russia. The girl was a similar age to Penny and I couldn’t start to try and feel what he must have been feeling and how scary it must of been for his daughter and her mum. I hope that me and my family don’t ever have to go through something as horrific as that.
Luckily we live in what seems to be a completely different world but that doesn’t stop this war from feeling really close. Maybe it’s because I am older or because I now have someone I have to take care of and protect, but this conflict scares me. The news about Putin potentially arming his nuclear arsenal made me shiver .. if he can kill innocent woman and children without batting an eye lid, then what’s going to stop him from launching nuclear weapons when things get a little bit sticky.
The Ukrainian people have gained so much respect across the world. Not only for fighting for what they stand for and not giving into a tyrant but also because of the incredible grit and determination they show. Every interview on TV has seen them taking everything in their stride and doing what is necessary to survive.
The only thing we can hope for is that the Russian army backs off and nobody else is killed in this unprovoked war. Stories of Russian soldiers crossing the border and immediately surrendering shows how even a percentage of those Russian combatants don’t want this and have been ordered to attack a country that most of them probably have friends and relatives living in it.
My thoughts are with those people seeking shelter underground with limited water and food supplies and I count myself lucky everyday that I can live my life without fear.
Until the next one,
Thanks and Goodbye.